From the Inside Out

My doctor told me I would need a supplement to gain back the nutrition I lost from the stress I had been through as a child. She said I was dealing with it correctly, but the stress had done it’s damage to my system. She told me that a female body with it’s fine creation of hormones, emotions, and physical system stress will affect us quite quickly and remove all the good nutrition. She suggested Herbalife products.

So I started taking the products. The targeted woman’s health as well as the weight loss. I am feeling so good, I can hold down a job now, and am loosing weight (probably more than a couple pounds a month like my doctor reccomended). Ooops…but I’m happy so I won’t feel guilty. Anyway my body is different. Always has, and always will, and PROUD of it!!!

My man had a heart attack a six weeks ago. He started taking the targeted nutrition for the heart that Herbalife offers and he tells me he is feeling so MUCH better. He always comments to me when he has a doctors appt about when the Dr. will take his vitals (meaning his heart rate, blood pressure, etc). I think he is purposely minimizing how good he is actually feeling. I’m happy. I didn’t want to loose him. He’s done so much for me, been there for me so often even if I haven’t always been the greatest friend. I am incredibly thankful for how things worked out!

Take a little time. For yourself. Show yourself that you love yourself. Your body. Change can not happen until you accept things AS IS. Good LuckSmile

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