
Pain is a little thing that makes a big difference in a person’s being to simply live nevermind function in this world of ours.

Me; for our first example. The first pain I felt was emotional. Death of the little girl inside me. At first it hurt so bad I didn’t know I was hurting. I didn’t even know (at the beginning) that the she had even ‘died’. I just kept on going. Allowing the tears inside to cry until I was ready to talk and move on. My mother was busy with a death of her son, her other children, and when I caught a moment to ask her questions she had didn’t understand my questions. I tried ministers wives, but they also didn’t understand. So I waited. For the right moment. I had dreams, hopes, and plans and didn’t want to be responsible for me taking them away from myself. Time heals I found out. And there is a higher power ‘upstairs’ who cares because a lot stuff I never asked simply happened and my friends and family didn’t lift a finger to help. A doctor told me once that the emotional toll my body took as a child did it’s own damage and taking Herbalife was a good idea.

Pain has a way of ‘stopping’ your body, stopping your brain, and creating a negative ‘train of thought’. When I started working at ‘making my dreams come true’ I noticed that. I challenged myself to thinking only nice things: first about me, and than others. Take note of yourself sometime how you treat others when you appreciate yourself from the inside and out versus when you hate yourself inside and out.

Herbalife products changed my life. I had lost over 100 pounds and plateaued for five years before I started with Herbalife. When I started I took the weight loss program along with the targeted nutrition for female hormones. It made the complete difference. The weight is now dropping slowly: 1-2 pounds/month. The pain is gone and my appreciation for me; who I am, just being myself has naturally blossomed.

Now I am watching myself, budding, starting to blossom and its incredible. I thought it would be hard work, but it’s all in letting go, moving on, and allowing life to bring you your dreams! The hard work is keeping them trains of thought in the roundhouse of your brain the right ones in an effort to allow your dreams to happen instead of stopping them and ripping them right out of your hands. That is pain’s greatest delight.

Give yourself a hug today and a chance at making a dream to happen. Let go of the negative, don’t ponder the over bad thoughts, and take the time to smell the roses. Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

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